About Decorative Painter Nadia Zychal
Who is Nadia Zychal?
Nadia has been working in the Decorative Painting profession for over twenty years. Working full time as a high end rug designer and later as an interior decorator, Nadia’s part time business continued to grow over the years along with her artistic reputation. While working primarily through interior designers in the Main Line, Delaware, and southern New Jersey areas, increasing demands for a full time nationwide business created the opportunity for Nadia and her husband Craig to form Nadia Zychal, Decorative Painting and Art.
Artistic Services In Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington DC, And Pennsylvania
A continuing interest and study of design history, decorative arts and antiques has given Nadia the resources to help create the ambiance you desire. Be it a meticulous recreation of a mural from a historic document, or a completely new inventive finish for a contemporary interior, Nadia will be happy to rise to your design challenge.
Artistic services provided include murals, trompe l’oeil, painted furniture & accessories, faux finishes, and scaled renderings.